OpenText Content Manager to Salesforce
S2T and T4S are integrations that connect Salesforce to OpenText Content Manager (formerly HP TRIM, Micro Focus Content Manager, and HPE Records Manager). Both greatly improve productivity by making the files in either system available to the other.

Using Salesforce is the key to unlocking business success. Our Content Manager integrations enable organizations to simplify, automate, and increase compliance by ensuring that all documents are managed and stored appropriately.
Why Integrate with Salesforce?
If your company uses both Salesforce and OpenText Content Manager there are many reasons to connect these systems:
- Auto-sync Salesforce files and records to Content Manager
- Save time and improve productivity
- Ensure the safety and security of important files
- Search, view, and download Content Manager files from Salesforce
- Save storage costs by replacing Salesforce files with links to files in Content Manager
Other wider benefits include:
- Eliminate file rehandling and the associated cost
- Make Content Manager files available to a wider group of users
- Encapsulate Salesforce files in Content Manager so they can be more easily managed
- Comply with data residency and privacy regulations
- Save important Salesforce records and files to a local repository for backup or disaster recovery purposes
Systems that integrate well include grant management, tender application, and any system where large numbers of files are required to be accessible in Salesforce. A typical scenario is when Web-to-Lead or Web-to-Case forms are submitted to Salesforce with files that need to be in Content Manager for legal or regulatory reasons, convenience, or workflow processing purposes.
FuseIT has two integrations to support this process manually or automatically.
S2T Integration
S2T is a native Salesforce application that allows users to push documents to Content Manager at the click of a button.
T4S Integration
T4S has components in both Salesforce and the customer's local network. It can transact larger documents in higher volumes than S2T.